Hunters Hill Ryde Men’s Shed is a community-based organisation.
Our primary aims are:
The improvement of our members health and well-being, through social interaction and activity.
To provide support and be of assistance to our community.
To develop and renew skills, in a safe environment, through personal and community projects.

Though predominantly woodwork focused we have metalwork capabilities including welding and have an excellent range of up-to-date machinery and hand tools. Projects, both personal and community, can range from small to large from complex to simple.
Members have a diverse range of skills and are willing and able to assist less skilled members with their personal and community projects. The Shed has strict safety protocols in place to ensure member’s wellbeing.
If you are not interested in the physical aspects of the Shed, it is a great place to meet over a cuppa, join in the entertaining discussions and jokes over morning tea and lunch, and more importantly, enjoy the camaraderie.